Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Motivational Lessons at a Starbucks Counter

So, here I sit at a Starbucks counter, pondering the next blog entry. To be honest, I am less than motivated. However, there may be something to learn in my state of sloth.

Why am I not motivated?
Well, first of all, I am quite sleepy. Yesterday was my 24th wedding anniversary. My wife and I went out to dinner, and I stayed up a bit later than I should have. Secondly, I'm feeling no pressing need to get anything done. Nobody is going to tap me on the shoulder and tell me to get moving. Third, I'm not feeling that my work has any immediate relevance. Anything that I accomplish today will not be implemented until September at the earliest.

I wonder if students ever feel this way. They probably do.

I am sleepy.
I know for a fact that many of my students are groggy when they arrive before 7:30am (no bankers' hours for them). Others seem to fade as the day goes on, becoming gradually less productive. I'm not sure what the solution to this problem is, but it seems a good starting point to acknowledge it as reality. Yet, some things are beyond my power to control; some students will not get enough quality sleep and will be groggy at school. Silly entry music and humorous surprises seem to have a positive effect but are by no means the solution to this motivational problem.

I'm feeling no pressing need to get anything done.
A colleague once told me that if you give students a week to complete a week long task, most of them will complete it in a week, but if you give them two weeks, most of them will take two weeks to complete that same task. I think this is accurate within reason. Deadlines, or at least target dates, can be a motivator for some students. I know that I would not even consider avoiding this blog if my boss was checking in each week and evaluating my progress. Some would argue that target dates should not be a part of a customized program and that students should be allowed to work at their own pace. I agree in part. However, my students have shown me that their "own pace" adapts to the task and expectations at hand. Therefore, deadlines will continue to be a part of my customized program, though still without the "death" of past due penalties and definitely without the "sudden death" of acceptance cut off dates.

I'm not feeling that my work has any immediate relevance.
Immediate is the key word there. I don't think students are as dismissive of school content as adults would prefer to believe. For the most part, students seem to accept that at some point, something as trivial as grammar may prove useful to them. So, it's worth learning just in case. However, it's often the immediacy of that usefulness that is lacking in school. Let's face it, it's tough for us humans to do work that will not reap rewards until some time in the distance, unforeseen future. Much school content is not designed to benefit students in the short term. Rather, it is designed to be a means of reaping future rewards. For some students, that's simply not going to cut it motivationally. Here's where Learning Target Projects may prove beneficial. Culminating, student-centered projects that require students to apply prior learning should give some students the motivation to tackle the preceding, and sometimes less interesting, lower level prerequisite learning. In short, "Do this, because you need it to be able to do the next thing." It's a bit of a simplistic strategy, but isn't that how the world often operates? You learn the rules and features of a video game in one way or another, so you can meet the goals in the game. One could call this Object Based Learning. Regardless of it's label, it is a means of adding relevance to a temporarily irrelevant task.

And so, I've done it. I've written my latest blog entry despite being unmotivated. How did I do it? Well, first I acknowledged that I was sleepy, so I set myself up with a Grande coffee instead of just a Tall. (A short term solution to be sure, but a solution nonetheless.) Secondly, I motivated myself using a self-imposed target date. I'm trying to maintain a schedule of one blog entry per week. Having routinely met this target for months, it is giving me a bit a of nudge to keep the ball rolling. Finally, I found the relevance to this task. I realized that I was experiencing a phenomenon similar to that experienced by some students. In short, this was an opportunity to learn lessons about motivation. The lessons are learned, and the entry is finished. I wish the same success for my students!

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